About Us

Best4Safety has been born from a company with a long heritage in communications as an entrusted partner of some of the largest Telecom Manufactures in the world. Over the last 15 years, due to the faith in our technical expertise, many of our existing clients started to approach us for more essential Safety related products. In what feels like a blink of an eye, here we are now as UK Distributors for the biggest manufacturers in the world of technical safety equipment.

Whether it be Communication Hearing Defence for the Military / Police or perhaps Powered Air Purifying Respirators (PAPR) for Healthcare or those working with noxious substances, our strength is our knowledge and expertise in these fields which ensures that every single client receives precisely what is required to keep them safe whilst maintaining and often increasing productivity.

Meet Our Team

Paul JoynerSafety Division Manager

Dave HartleySenior Sales & Technical

Neil BartlettCustomer Support

William EastAccount Manager

Supplying the best safety products to UK business